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Dialogue with National Committee on US-China Relations

By Yang Jiechi



It is a pleasure to have this virtual conversation with board members of the National Committee on US-China Relations. You all are leading figures with important influence representing different sectors of the American society, including key members of previous administrations, accomplished business leaders, and well-known scholars in the strategic community. I look forward to a deep-going discussion with you all on China-US relations and matters of shared interest.


The National Committee has witnessed and contributed to the growth of China-US relations. It played a prominent role in ping-pong diplomacy by hosting the Chinese table tennis team on their first visit to the United States. In its 55-year history, the National Committee has made a valuable contribution to promoting the mutual understanding, exchanges and cooperation between the Chinese and the American people. We commend your great efforts. This year marks the 50th anniversary of Dr. Henry Kissinger's secret visit to China. I wish to take this opportunity to express our sincere appreciation to Dr. Kissinger and other friends for your long-lasting efforts to promote the friendship, mutual trust, cooperation and broader bilateral relations between our two countries.


In 2020, the world was caught by the sudden attack of COVID-19. While the pandemic is thought-provoking, the most important thing is that in the era of globalization, the interests of countries are so intertwined that solidarity and enhanced coordination and cooperation are the only way for us to tackle global challenges effectively and create a better future for all. China and the United States are the two largest economies and permanent members of the UN Security Council. Effective cooperation between the two has a direct bearing on the well-being of all people as well as peace, development and prosperity of the world.

过去几年来,由于美国特朗普政府实行极端错误的反华政策,中美关系遭遇了两国建交以来前所未有的严重困难。美方一些人固守冷战思维,把中国视作威胁,采取了一系列干涉中国内政、损害中方利益的错误言行,阻挠破坏中美正常交往和互利合作,试图推动中美“脱钩”甚至搞所谓“新冷战”,严重破坏中美关系,严重损害两国人民根本利益,违背当今时代潮流。For the past few years, the Trump administration adopted misguided policies against China, plunging the relationship into its most difficult period since the establishment of diplomatic ties. Some in the United States, sticking to Cold War thinking, perceived China as a threat. Their rhetoric and actions have interfered in China's internal affairs, undermined China's interests, and disrupted exchanges and mutually beneficial cooperation between the two sides. There have also been attempts to seek "decoupling" and a so-called "new Cold War". Such moves, going against the trend of the times, have seriously damaged China-US relations as well as the fundamental interests of the two peoples.

我们认为,和平与发展仍然是时代主题,和平共处、合作共赢仍然是各国人民的共同心愿。中方一贯主张推动构建相互尊重、公平正义、合作共赢的新型国际关系,推动构建人类命运共同体。中方是这么说的,也是这么做的。必须指出的是,14亿中国人民衷心拥护中国共产党领导,紧紧团结在中国共产党周围,坚定不移走中国特色社会主义道路。中国持续发展的步伐和人类和平与发展的崇高事业是任何力量都阻挡不了的。We believe that peace and development are still the prevailing trend of the times, and that peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation remain the shared aspiration of all peoples. China calls for establishing a new type of international relations characterized by mutual respect, fairness, justice and win-win cooperation, and for building a community with a shared future for mankind. This is both our vision and our guide for action. It must be pointed out that the 1.4 billion Chinese people wholeheartedly support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and they are rallying closely around the CPC and forging ahead on the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics with great resolve and determination. No force could stop China's continuous development or the noble cause of global peace and development.

令人欣慰的是,在中美关系遭遇严重困难的时刻,支持中美交流合作的力量从未缺席。包括美中关系全国委员会在内的诸多美国机构团体以及各界人士通过发表联名信、撰写文章、举办视频交流研讨等多种方式,持续发出反对中美对抗、支持中美合作的理性声音,与来自极端反华派的杂音与干扰形成鲜明对比,为维护中美关系稳定大局发挥了难能可贵的积极作用。It is good to note that in times of great difficulty for China-US relations, the force for bilateral exchanges and cooperation has never been absent. A great number of institutions, groups and individuals in the United States, including the National Committee, have made their voices heard and their views known through co-signed letters, articles and webinars. A strong case is made for cooperation instead of confrontation between China and the United States. Such voices of reason, in stark contrast with the noise and disruption from China hawks, are most valuable for upholding overall stability of China-US relations.

2020年是极不平凡的一年。面对突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情,中美两国人民和社会各界守望相助,共克时艰。美国不少地方、企业、民间团体和友好人士向中方提供宝贵支持,中国很多省市、企业、机构和民众也向美方伸出援助之手,包括为美方在华采购医疗物资提供了各种便利。两国青少年在视频中相互加油鼓劲,令人感动。正如美有关州市感谢信所说,我们在艰难时刻的相互支持帮助,是共同战胜疫情的重要保证。The year 2020 has been a most extraordinary one. In the trying times of the sudden onslaught of COVID-19, the Chinese and American people reached out to each other. A great number of local governments, businesses, civil groups and individuals in the United States gave their valuable support to China. From the Chinese side, many provinces, cities, companies, institutions and ordinary people pitched in, among other things, by facilitating US purchases of Chinese medical supplies. Video clips recorded by Chinese and American youngsters cheering for one another warmed all our hearts. As quoted from letters of appreciation by US states and cities, the mutual assistance and support between the two sides in this difficult time were instrumental to our joint fight to bring the virus under control.

山和山不相遇,人和人要相逢。中美两国人民的交往和友谊是无法阻隔的。尽管遇到种种困难,两国各领域交流合作仍持续推进。去年中美新增友好城市4对,两国友好省州、友城已分别达50对和231对。美中贸易全国委员会2020年度《中国商业环境调查》报告显示,91%的受访美国企业表示去年在中国市场仍保持盈利,87%的企业表示不会撤离中国。事实是,中美经贸合作逆势增长,2020年中美货物贸易额为5800多亿美元,同比增长超过8%,其中中国自美国进口1300多亿美元,同比增长近10%。"Mountains do not meet, but people do." The communication and friendship between the Chinese and American people can never be stopped. Despite the many obstacles, our bilateral exchanges and cooperation in various fields have registered new progress. With another four pairs of sister cities established last year, China and the United States now have 50 pairs of sister provinces and states and 231 pairs of sister cities. According to the Member Survey conducted by the US-China Business Council last year, 91 percent of the US companies surveyed showed that their China operations were profitable and 87 percent of the companies reported no plans to shift production out of China. The fact is, our two countries' economic cooperation and trade have continued to grow against the headwinds. In 2020, two-way trade in goods grew by more than 8 percent to over 580 billion dollars, including over 130 billion dollars of Chinese imports from the United States, up by nearly 10 percent.

历史和事实充分说明,中美合作是人心所向、大势所趋,中美利益高度关联融合,一些人出于一己政治私利和狭隘偏见竭力破坏中美关系,是站在历史错误一边,站到了两国人民的对立面,注定是要失败的。A review of history and reality points to one thing: cooperation between China and the United States is desired by the people in both countries, and such a popular trend cannot be reversed. Between China and the United States, there are so many shared and interconnected interests. Those who seek to disrupt bilateral ties are driven by political gains and narrow-minded prejudice. They will be standing on the wrong side of history and alienating themselves from people in both countries. And their attempts will never get anywhere.

过去一年,在习近平主席亲自指挥、亲自部署下,中国人民上下一心,统筹疫情防控和经济社会发展取得重大战略成果,全面建成小康社会取得伟大历史性成就,决战脱贫攻坚取得决定性胜利。2021年,中国共产党将迎来建党100周年,这也是中国第十四个五年规划的开局之年,标志着中国开启了全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程。我们将立足新发展阶段,深入贯彻新发展理念,加快构建以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局,推动中国“十四五”时期实现高质量发展。In the past year, the Chinese people, working as one under the leadership and instruction of President Xi Jinping, made major strategic progress in both COVID response and economic and social development. Historic achievements were made in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and decisive victory was won in ending extreme poverty nation-wide. The year 2021 marks the centenary of the Communist Party of China. It is also the first year in our implementation of the 14th Five-Year Plan, a year in which China will embark on a new journey toward building a modern socialist country. As China enters a new development stage, we will fully apply the new development vision and foster a new development paradigm with domestic circulation as the mainstay and domestic and international circulations reinforcing each other. The next five years will see China embracing high-quality development.

我知道在座美国朋友中不少人熟悉中国改革开放40多年的历史过程,在不同历史时期来过中国很多次,了解中国。中国的快速发展受益于对外开放,我们将始终坚持这一基本国策,任何时候都不会动摇。过去40多年的实践证明,改革开放是互利共赢的,不仅有利于中国,也有利于美国、有利于世界。2017年1月17日,习近平主席在世界经济论坛年会上强调,中国的发展是世界的机遇,中国坚持走一条在开放中谋求共同发展的道路,在实现自身发展的同时更多惠及其他国家和人民,为开放型世界经济发展提供了重要动力。今年1月25日,习近平主席在世界经济论坛“达沃斯议程”对话会上指出,中国将继续实施互利共赢的开放战略,坚定实施对外开放基本国策,持续打造市场化、法治化、国际化营商环境,发挥超大市场优势和内需潜力,为世界经济复苏和增长注入更多动力。习近平主席的重要讲话,向世界传递出中国致力于持续深化改革、扩大高水平对外开放的积极信号,也彰显了中国与各国一道实现共同发展的坚定承诺。中国经济的不断发展,中国人民对美好生活的追求,将对来自世界各地更加多样化高品质的产品、技术、服务产生更多需求,预计未来10年累计商品进口额有望超过22万亿美元,这将为世界各国企业包括美国企业科技创新与业务增长提供强劲助力,为世界各国提供更加广阔的市场机会。I know many of you are familiar with China's momentous journey since reform and opening-up started over four decades ago, and you know the country well from your visits to China at different times in the past. Opening-up has been a key driving force behind China's rapid development. We remain fully committed to this fundamental policy and there will be no wavering in our commitment. What has happened over the past 40-plus years proves that reform and opening-up is a win-win process. It has brought benefits not only to China, but also to the United States and the world beyond. On 17 January 2017, President Xi Jinping stated at the World Economic Forum that China's development is an opportunity for the world. China is committed to a path of pursuing common development through opening-up. While developing itself, China has shared much of the fruit of its development with other countries and peoples and lent much momentum to an open world economy. On 25 January this year, President Xi Jinping stressed at the World Economic Forum's "Davos Agenda" virtual event that China will continue to implement a win-win strategy of opening-up and is committed to following through on its fundamental policy of opening-up. China will foster a business environment that is based on market principles, governed by law and up to international standards, and will unleash the potential of the huge China market and domestic demand, so as to give further impetus to global economic recovery and growth. President Xi's important remarks have sent a positive signal that China remains committed to deepening reform and pursuing greater opening-up at a higher level. They also speak volumes about China's strong commitment to achieving common prosperity with the rest of the world. As China's economy grows, the Chinese people naturally want to lead a better life. This will mean more demand for a greater variety of quality products, technologies and services from other countries. In the coming decade, total import into China is expected to top 22 trillion dollars. This, I believe, will be a strong boost to foreign companies, including American companies, as they pursue innovation and business opportunities. It also means an ever growing market for other countries around the world.

一个多星期前,拜登政府正式就职。中美关系正处于关键时刻,面临新的机遇和挑战,何去何从备受两国人民和国际社会关注。推动中美关系重新回到可预期、建设性的轨道,构建和平共处、合作共赢的大国相处模式,是中美面临的共同任务,也是世界各国的普遍期待。More than a week ago, the Biden administration officially took office. China-US relations now stand at a key moment and face new opportunities and new challenges. People in the two countries and beyond are watching closely as to where this relationship is heading. It is a task for both China and the United States to restore the relationship to a predictable and constructive track of development, and to build a model of interaction between the two major countries that focuses on peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation. This, I believe, also answers to the expectation of countries in the global community.

中国政府对美政策始终保持高度稳定性和连续性。中方愿同美方共同努力,推动中美关系沿着不冲突不对抗、相互尊重、合作共赢的轨道向前发展,造福两国和两国人民;同时我们将继续坚定捍卫国家主权、安全、发展利益。希望美国新一届政府顺应两国民意和历史潮流,聚焦合作,管控分歧,推动中美关系回到健康稳定发展的正确轨道。我认为可以从以下几方面作出努力:The Chinese government takes a stable and consistent policy toward the United States. China is prepared to work with the United States to move the relationship forward along the track of no conflict, no confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation for the well-being of both countries and peoples. In the meantime, we will continue to stand firm as we defend our sovereignty, security and development interests. We hope the new administration will respond to the will of both peoples and follow the trend of history. By focusing on cooperation and managing differences together, the two sides will be able to return the relationship to the course of sound and steady development. For that to happen, I believe the following are most important:

一是正确认识看待中国。上届美国政府对华采取了一系列错误政策,根源在于美方一些人对中国存在战略误判,将中国视为主要战略竞争者甚至是对手,这是犯了历史性、方向性、战略性错误。中国发展的根本目标是让中国人民过上更加美好的生活。中国坚持走和平发展道路,坚持互利共赢的开放战略,真诚希望同包括美国在内的世界各国实现共同发展,共创人类美好未来。同时要强调,任何人都无权剥夺中国人民追求美好生活的权利,中国的发展壮大进程是任何势力都不可能阻挡的。事实上,中美关系发展历程充分证明,两国完全可以也需要加强合作协调,实现共同发展,国际社会也呼吁中美开展合作。希望美方超越大国零和博弈的旧式思维,同中方一道,牢牢把握中美关系的正确方向。First, China should be seen as it is. The previous administration has pursued some misguided policies towards China. The root cause, I would say, is a strategic misjudgment by some in the United States - they view China as a major strategic competitor, even an adversary. That, I am afraid, is historically, fundamentally and strategically wrong. China's development is essentially about bettering the lives of its people. China is committed to the path of peaceful development, a win-win strategy of opening-up, and a development that is shared by all countries, the United States included. We will work with other countries to deliver a better future for all. That said, I need to point out that no one is in the position to deny the Chinese people their right to a better life. The development of China is a process that no force can ever hold back. The growth of China-US relations has fully demonstrated that our two countries can and must cooperate and coordinate with each other more closely for our common good. That is also what the world expects from us. We in China hope that the United States will rise above the outdated mentality of zero-sum, major-power rivalry and work with China to keep the relationship on the right track.

二是恢复正常交往。中美关系发展史蕴含着几十年来两国各界人士相互接触、交流、沟通和合作的执着和辛劳,需要倍加珍惜。当前,中美恢复正常交往需要双方相向而行,在政府层面上,两国驻对方国家大使馆等渠道可以发挥桥梁作用。两国智库、高校、媒体、地方、企业等社会各界也可以通过各种形式为中美关系增添更多正能量。希望美国新一届政府取消那些滋扰中国在美留学生、限制中国驻美媒体、关闭孔子学院、打压中国企业等错误和不得人心的政策措施,搬掉阻碍两国各界交往合作的“绊脚石”。双方要更多主动对外释放中美合作的积极信息,增进两国人民对彼此的正面认知,夯实支持中美关系发展的社会和民意基础。Second, normal interactions need to be restored. The growth of China-US relations is the result of decades of commitment and dedication by Chinese and Americans from all sectors to maintaining engagement, exchange, communication and cooperation. It is not something to be taken for granted. For normal exchanges to resume, our two sides have to work in the same direction. At the government level, our embassies and other channels should serve as bridges. Other players including think tanks, universities, media organizations, and businesses as well as exchanges at the sub-national level can also contribute in their own ways to bolstering the overall relations. I hope that the new administration will remove the stumbling blocks to people-to-people exchanges, like harassing Chinese students, restricting Chinese media outlets, shutting down Confucius Institutes and suppressing Chinese companies. These policy measures are not only wrong but also unpopular. Instead, more should be done to send a positive message of China and the United States working together, to encourage a positive public perception of each other and win more public support for growing our relations.

三是妥善处理矛盾分歧。中美是两个大国,历史、文化、制度不同,在一些问题上存在分歧,关键是要妥善加以管控,不能任由其干扰两国关系发展大局。双方应尊重彼此历史文化传统,尊重彼此核心利益和重大关切,尊重各自选择的政治制度和发展道路。中国从不干涉包括大选在内的美国内政,从不对外输出发展模式,从不搞意识形态对抗,从不寻求挑战或取代美国的地位,无意划分势力范围。美方应切实履行中美三个联合公报承诺,严格遵守一个中国原则,切实尊重中方在台湾问题上的立场和关切。美方应停止插手香港、西藏、新疆等涉及中国主权和领土完整的问题,停止试图通过干涉中国内政来牵制阻挠中国发展。历史和现实都一再证明,这些问题关乎中国的核心利益和民族尊严,牵动14亿中国人的民族感情,是碰不得的,否则最终只会给中美关系和美方自身利益造成严重损害。希望美方充分认识这些问题的高度敏感性,慎重妥善处理,避免给中美互信合作造成干扰和破坏。Third, proper management of differences is called for. As two big countries with different histories, cultures and systems, China and the United States may disagree on some issues. What matters is that we manage our differences properly so that they do not stand in the way of our overall relations. Both sides need to respect each other's histories, cultures and traditions, respect each other's core interests and major concerns, and respect each other's choices of political system and development path. China never meddles in the internal affairs of the United States, including its elections. China never exports its development model or seeks ideological confrontation. China has no intention to challenge or replace the US position in the world, or to carve out a sphere of influence. Likewise, we expect the United States to honor its commitment under the three Sino-US Joint Communiqués, strictly abide by the One China principle, and respect China's position and concerns on the Taiwan question. The United States should stop interference in the affairs of Hong Kong, Tibet and Xinjiang, which all matter to China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and stop attempts to hold back China's development by meddling in China's internal affairs. History and reality have shown time and again that these issues concern China's core interests, national dignity, as well as the sentiments of its 1.4 billion people. They constitute a redline that must not be crossed. Any trespassing would end up undermining China-US relations and the United States' own interests. We in China hope that the US side will fully understand the sensitivity of these issues and handle them with prudence, so as to avoid disruption or damage to mutual trust and cooperation.

四是开展互利合作。习近平主席多次讲过,中美合作可以办成许多有利于两国和世界的大事。在疫情面前,中美能够合作且必须合作的领域不是减少了,而是更多更广了。中美双方在抗击疫情、经济复苏、气候变化等领域拥有很大合作空间。两国还可以探讨如何共同完善全球公共卫生体系。美方一些政客应立即停止借疫情对中国搞污名化,为双方开展抗疫合作营造有利氛围。Fourth, mutually beneficial cooperation ought to be broadened. As President Xi Jinping has pointed out on multiple occasions, China and the United States working together can make great things happen not just for the two countries but for the world at large. In the face of COVID-19, there are more and broader areas where China and the United States can and must cooperate. COVID response, economic recovery and climate change, among others, could become promising areas of cooperation for China and the United States. We could also discuss ways to jointly improve the global public health system. Those few US politicians should immediately stop using the pandemic to stigmatize China. Instead, they should do things that will contribute to an enabling environment for bilateral cooperation against COVID-19.

在经贸问题上,中方强调,经贸问题不应政治化,“国家安全”概念不能被滥用。中方将一如既往欢迎美国企业来华经营投资,双方都要为对方企业提供公平、开放、非歧视的环境。作为世界前两大经济体,两国增长前景越广,越有利于两国人民和世界人民。中方愿同美方加强宏观经济政策协调,并就维护全球产业链供应链安全、维护全球经济金融稳定开展合作,助力两国和世界经济增长。On trade, China emphasizes that trade issues should not be politicized, and the concept of "national security" should not be abused. China will always welcome US business investment in China, and it falls on both sides to provide a fair, open and non-discriminatory environment for each other's companies. Better growth prospects in the world's two biggest economies will bring greater benefits to our two peoples and the rest of the world. China is ready for closer macroeconomic policy coordination and more cooperation with the United States to keep the global industrial and supply chains safe and maintain global economic and financial stability. Such efforts would certainly help revive economic growth in our two countries and the world as a whole.

在应对气候变化领域,中国全面贯彻新发展理念,坚定不移落实气候变化《巴黎协定》承诺,宣布力争2030年前二氧化碳排放达到峰值,努力争取2060年前实现碳中和。中美可就气候变化、开发新能源、推动低碳可持续发展等开展互利合作,在实现经济社会发展的同时保护好我们的地球共同家园。On climate change, China is committed to following a new development philosophy and delivering its pledges under the Paris Agreement. China has announced its goals of striving to peak carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060. For China and the United States, climate change, renewable energy and low-carbon, sustainable development could be areas of mutually beneficial cooperation, which I believe will serve economic and social development in our countries and help protect Mother Earth.

双方应推进在两军、执法、禁毒、网络安全等领域的交流合作,加强在发展减贫、反恐、防扩散等重大全球性挑战和地区热点问题上的沟通协调,为世界提供更多公共产品。双方还可以在联合国、世界卫生组织、二十国集团、亚太经合组织等多边框架内加强合作,进一步完善和加强全球治理,推动全球化朝着更加开放、包容、平衡、普惠和共赢的方向发展。There should be closer exchanges and cooperation between our militaries and in law enforcement, drug control and cyber security, and more communication and coordination on regional hotspot issues and on major global challenges such as poverty reduction through development, counterterrorism and nonproliferation. Together, we could provide more public goods to the world. We could also strengthen cooperation at the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the G20, APEC and other multilateral fora to enhance global governance and promote a globalization process that is more open, inclusive, balanced and beneficial to all.

从历史发展的趋势看,中美关系的未来是光明的。只要双方从两国人民和世界人民根本利益出发,坚持相互尊重,求同存异,坚持有效管控分歧,扩大共同利益,中美关系就一定能够走上改善和发展之道,造福于两国人民和世界各国人民。希望美中关系全国委员会、各位成员以及美国各界人士继续发挥积极作用,为中美关系的健康稳定发展贡献更多智慧和力量。The history of China-US relations gives us reason to be optimistic about a brighter future for China-US relations. We need to bear in mind the fundamental interests of people in our two countries and beyond. We need to respect each other, seek common ground while putting aside differences, keep disagreements under effective control, and expand common interests. If we follow this approach, I am convinced that the China-US relationship will embark on a path of improvement and development, a prospect that would benefit our two peoples and the entire world tremendously. We will count on the National Committee, all of its board members, and indeed Americans from all walks of life to continue playing your positive role and contributing your wisdom and strength to the sound and steady growth of China-US relations.
