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监管提示:防范以“元宇宙”名义非法集资 Regulatory reminder: Prevent illegal fundraising in the name of "Metaverse"


In response to the recently popular concept of "Metaverse", the Office of the Inter-Ministerial Joint Conference on Disposal of Illegal Fundraising issued a risk warning to remind the public to guard against the risk of illegal fundraising in the name of "Metaverse".


The risk warning lists a variety of fraudulent methods:

1. 编造虚假元宇宙投资项目。

Fabricate fake Metaverse investment projects.


Some criminals stir up concepts such as game production, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality related to the Metaverse, fabricate high-tech investment projects with numerous packages, publicly and falsely publicize high returns, and take the opportunity to absorb public funds. and other characteristics of illegal behavior.

2. 打着元宇宙区块链游戏旗号诈骗。

Fraud under the banner of the metaverse blockchain game


Some lawbreakers bundle the concept of "metaverse", claiming "making money while playing games", "short investment cycle and high returns", and tricking participants into investing by exchanging virtual currency and purchasing game equipment. Such games are highly confusing, and there are risks such as running away with money.

3. 恶意炒作元宇宙房地产圈钱。

Maliciously hyping up the Metaverse real estate to make money.


Some lawbreakers use the concept of metaverse hotspots to exaggerate the expectation of virtual real estate prices rising, artificially create the illusion of panic buying, and induce hoarding and trading.

4. 变相从事元宇宙虚拟币非法谋利。

Engaging in Metaverse virtual currency for illegal profit.


Some criminals claim that the virtual currency issued is the future "metaverse currency", inducing the public to buy and invest. Such "virtual currency" is often the spontaneous air currency of criminals, and it mainly makes illegal profits through behind-the-scenes means such as manipulating prices and setting withdrawal thresholds.

“元宇宙”这个词怎么来?Where did the word "metaverse" come from?


The word "Metaverse" is called Metaverse, which is a combination of Meta and Universe. Meta means transcendence, and Universe is the universe.


Many people know the concept of "metaverse", which was renamed from "Facebook" to "Meta". Although investors did not buy it after the name change, the stock price plummeted 26.39% on the day it released its earnings report, and the single-day market value evaporated, breaking Apple's record in September 2020. A record $182 billion was set in March.


But Facebook is not the earliest source of the metaverse. "Metaverse" was first described in the science fiction novel "Avalanche". In the novel "Avalanche", the meaning of the metaverse is similar to that of cyberspace, which is a virtual reality space.

理解1: 元宇宙是数据流动协议与底层宇宙 Metaverse is the data flow protocol and the underlying universe


There are two levels of this understanding:


First, the Metaverse is the platform of the platform, which can break down the barriers of the platform and allow data and digital assets to flow across the platform.


Second, the metaverse allows ordinary people to participate in building a digital society and profit from this contribution, instead of being taken away by the platform.


For example, Tencent has set foot in many different platforms and content through investment. It can completely open up these platforms with a unified account system and economic order, so that different content and digital assets can flow and run across platforms, which is equivalent to running on various platforms. Underneath, an underlying digital universe is constructed.


For another example, in March 2021, the co-creation game platform Roblox was listed on the New York Stock Exchange, which once again aroused the market's attention to the concept of the metaverse. At that time, Roblox was recognized by the market as the most metaverse virtual platform, because it not only provided a virtual game world, but also supported users to create their own mini-games in it, just like creating a small world.

理解2: 高配3D社交网络 High-end 3D social network


After Facebook changed its name to Meta, it released a virtual reality app called "Horizon World" in December 2021. Horizon World is a metaverse social/work platform for users to create content and interact in the metaverse.


Baidu has also launched a metaverse app called "Xi Rong", which also focuses on virtual space customization and human-computer interaction in full real scenes. It hopes to attract customers to come in for education and training, hold exhibitions, do marketing activities, and build virtual industrial parks. etc.


Microsoft will also launch a project called Mesh in 2022, so that ordinary people can use mixed reality technology to work, collaborate and hold meetings in virtual spaces.


These Metaverse products are more like serious social products one by one. Unlike the previous Weibo, Douyin, and Facebook, the Metaverse version of social products is trying to provide users with a social scene that is close to reality, and These virtual characters and private arenas can be customized. The metaverse at this stage is more like grabbing users from Facebook, Zoom and Tencent conferences.

理解3: 一种阶段性的技术概念 A staged technical concept


While the industry is busy building its metaverse, different opinions are starting to emerge outside the industry. One of the most representative voices is that the metaverse should not be a product category, but an integration of a set of technologies.


For example, the research group of the Center for Virtual Economics and Data Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences believes that many people in the industry say that the Metaverse is the next generation of the Internet. No, the Metaverse is just a phased technical concept.


Since the 21st century, the world's technological ecology has become more and more centered on the Internet, and the more it develops, the more it resembles a complex intelligent giant system similar to the brain. In this Internet brain, the Internet of Things, cloud computing, big data, 5G/6G, artificial intelligence, and blockchain are all products of the development of the nervous system in this brain, and the Metaverse is one of them.


Based on this logic, the metaverse is essentially based on the internet brain architecture, the materialization of the human group thinking space or dream world. To build a metaverse is to bring together the existing Internet technology and Internet people to build a collective dream of human beings.


All Metaverse entrants want to create a Metaverse digital space. In their vision of the Metaverse, most people think that the Metaverse has the opportunity to become a digital world independent of the real world. And such a digital world will have its own vitality and be more attractive than the real world.


But in addition to the entrants, there are also cheaters, so beware of various fraudulent methods and illegal fundraising in the name of the Metaverse.